Golf Short Game Practice Plan

Test Your Putting and Chipping Skills by Passing All 10 Levels in this Training Program

Looking for a golf practice plan that doesn’t take more than 2 hours? If you’re limited on time, check out our 2 hour short game practice routines. Perfect for high school and college golfers as well as full time job workers who want to practice their golf game after work.

We’ve built a training program that gives you step by step practice routines and they are challenging but lots of fun. You’ll face pressure as well to pass each level building your mental toughness.

Print out the practice plan worksheets to take to the golf course and track your statistics for each drill. We’ve labeled a score you must beat for each drill set in order to pass that drill set. If you pass all drill sets in the practice routine, you pass that level and can move on to the next practice level.

Once you complete all 10 levels, you should see your golf scores improving several strokes if not more due to an amazing short game you’ve built. Go through this program again but set higher scores than before to pass each level and you’ll become a pro.

REFUND POLICY: Refunds given only when requested by email, by a student who has purchased the course less than 14 days prior, and has viewed less than 30% of the course. Whether or not you click on the COMPLETE & CONTINUE button, makes no difference. The rule applies once you access 30% of the modules in the course, whether or not you view the videos. Absolutely NO exceptions!

UPGRADE POLICY: You can also upgrade to our Online Golf Academy Membership at any time at a reduced cost by emailing me asking for the upgrade. By upgrading to our Academy Membership, you get access to our golf resource library which has lots more practice routines, worksheets, training programs, fitness tips, and other resources in addition to these 3 practice plans. It's called All Access for a reason. You get lifetime membership to all future content and videos we add to the Online Golf Academy course.

Click Here to Learn About Upgrading to the Online Golf Academy Membership

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